Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Advanced Analytics with Qlik | AditMicrosys

Nowadays, every business creates vast amounts of data. Whether it’s plain logs, usage statistics, or user data, businesses tend to store it.
But without proper analysis and usage, this data just occupies space (S3s, self-hosted Hadoop clusters, regular RDBMS, and so on) and resources (someone must maintain the servers; otherwise, the data is lost).
The ultimate goal is to try to make the data work for the benefit of the company.
In this article, We take look at the qlik view Platform, QlikView is an in-memory, one of the fastest evolving Business Intelligence (BI) and data visualization tool that helps organizations big and small in data discovery and data analysis. It is very fast to deploy, easy to learn and very intuitive to use for a customer. So, if you want to improve data visualization practices, then QlikView is the perfect tool to start with.
Additionally, QlikView can search and explore vast amounts of data and discovers deeper insights by building your own rich, guided analytics applications with a business-ready solution. It covers all aspects of your business and allows you to turn your data into easy to understand insights. To ensure a seamless flow of data between different systems, QlikView offers both default and custom data connectors and open database connectivity connections. The system’s open API ensure that QlikView can blend in literally every software ecosystem, and consequently eliminate the need to use several different systems to process data. To make matters even better, developers gave users the possibility to choose their preferred deployment method – they can use QlikView in cloud, buy a license for a desired number of tokens, or combine both methods.
QlikView Components
QlikView has 3 main components
QlikView Desktop – Development tool to create
  1. Data extract and transformation model.
  2. Graphical user interface or dashboard visualizations
QlikView Server – QlikView applications are stored on QlikView Server. It handles the communication between clients and the QlikView applications.
QlikView Publisher – loads data from various data sources and distributes QlikView documents to the end user.
Overview of QlikView Features
  • Dynamic BI ecosystem
  • Interact with dynamic apps, dashboards and analytics
  • Data is held in memory for multiple users, for a super-fast user experience
  • Data is compressed to 10% of its original size
  • Search across all data
  • Default and custom connectors
  • Secure, real-time collaboration
  • Roles & Permissions
  • Custom reports
  • Mobile-ready
Download QlikView
The Free Personal Edition of QlikView can be downloaded from QlikView Personal Edition. You need to register with your details to be able to download.
After downloading, the installation is a very straightforward process in which you need to accept the license agreement and provide the target folder for installation. The screen shots given below describe the entire setup process.

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